Bring out the best in your team

The Way It Works

The companies and organizations I consult for span a wide range of industries, situations, and sizes.

Many times, I’m brought in to bring clarity to interpersonal relationships and help teams work better together. Things are going well and I come in as a guide to help things go even better.

Other times, the problems are more serious.

Things just aren’t working. Sales are down. Turnover is up. Clumps of torn-out hair litter the halls from the corner office to the janitor’s closet. And no matter how far the organizations’ leaders have drilled down through every possible answer to their problems, they’ve come up empty.

But the truth is this…

In almost every case, they’re looking in the wrong place.
Because, no matter what the numbers look like, how many superstars you have in critical positions, or how on-point your in-house systems are, none of that matters if there’s toxic friction within the organization itself.

If your people aren’t at peak cooperation, your bottom line is going to suffer.

Whatever state your organization happens to be in at the moment, through the Enneagram, I can help bring illumination and clarity to the life and purpose of each individual on your team.

That’s where I come in.

By using my unique approach to the Enneagram, I’ve helped hundreds of people within organizations understand who they are as individuals, along with how they fit into the structure as a whole.

Your team comes away with a clear view of what motivates them at their deepest level.

They also begin to see the others around them differently, and the reasons behind those seemingly petty confrontations get some much-needed light shed upon them. When they walk out of that door, your team is going to understand the WHY of who they are and what they’re designed to do.

Most importantly, your team learns empathy. And empathy is one of the most powerful drivers of success — not just in your organization, but also in this whole broken, divided world of ours.

Click below to set up a consultation and take that first step in getting your business healthy and growing again!

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