The Assessment

Your Motivations and Purpose, Revealed.


There are a lot of versions of the Enneagram floating around out there in the world.

Which brings up an obvious question…

What makes this assessment different than any of the others you might find on the internet?

Glad you ask!

Aside from giving you an accurate view of both your strengths and weaknesses in a way that offers far more insight into your unique approach to the world, this version of the Enneagram offers three primary features you won’t find in any other version of the test.



1. Visualization

As humans, we’re visual creatures. We like pictures. So, it just makes sense that your assessment results are going to be more meaningful if they’re offered in a visual way. I call this model the Type Matrix, and this assessment is the only one that utilizes it.

Another powerful benefit of presenting your results visually is because it gives you the opportunity to…

2. Overlay and Compare

You don’t exist in a vacuum. You live in a family, a community, a global society, and the Enneagram is, first and foremost, a social tool. It’s a way to understand your ecosystem and your place in it.

That’s why this assessment gives you the power to compare your results to someone else, and even overlay your results.

That way, it’s super easy to see how you compare in detail to your spouse, friends, co-workers, and anyone else in your life. This level of visualization can expose tensions in those relationships—and give you insight into where the resulting conflicts might find their roots.

Overlaying results will also help you find the places where you have common ground, making it easier to build bridges between people who seemingly come from two different planets.

But it doesn’t just stop there…

3. Average Strategies

Overlaying and comparing your results with another person’s is powerful.

But, what if you could see the strengths and weaknesses of an entire group of people in one quick snapshot?

Or, beyond that…

What if you could see the strengths and weaknesses of your whole workplace in one simple graphic?

This assessment gives you the opportunity to do just that.

Whether your team is comprised of five people or five hundred, you’re able to see where the group collectively is strong, where it’s weak, and begin to focus your energies on using those strengths to address and compensate for those weaknesses. That’s how communities repair themselves, build toward vitality, and grow into something that can reshape the world.

Oh, and one last thing…

Even if you’ve taken one—or a hundred—versions of the Enneagram in the past, I encourage you to click below and take the assessment. Even if you know “your number,” the insight you’ll gain through this version is—both personally and within your own unique ecosystem—far more robust than anything you’ve experienced in the past. After all, you are more than a number, and there’s tremendous value in seeing, visually, what that actually looks like.

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